76 糙米 Brown rice

62 稻作完熟 Ripened

60 稻作黃熟 Turning yellow

52 灌水 Adding water

43 含苞將吐穗 Crop is coming

37 孕穗 Pregnant seedlings

57 灌溉 Adding water

56 排水 Draining the water

51 防害措施 Precaution

48 吐穗開花 Spike of rice

45 抽穗 Crops stick out

39 灌排水 Water drainage

34 稻子分蘗期 Tiller

33 施肥 Fertilizing

11 浸水 Irrigate the field

16 育苗 Nurturing the sprouts

80 白米 White rice

9 除草 Weeding

22 插秧 Transplanting

67 乾燥 Drying the rice

78 胚芽米 Rice with germ

21 畫格線 Drawing lines

41 曬田 Sun dry the field

71 碾米 Grinding rice

19 出苗 Delivering seedlings

18 捲苗 Rolling seedlings

49 放乾水 Drain the water

61 排水放乾 Drain the fields

7 三次打田 Third plowing

24 補秧 Replanting

26 春分 Vernal Equinox (03/21)

66 分類米種 Classify rice

84 上架 On the shelf

65 檢驗品質 Check quality

75 比重分離 Second selection


13 選種 Choosing seeds

12 大雪 Heavy snow

4 二次打田 Second plowing

52 灌水 Adding water

6 基肥 First fertilization
